- 我想来个最后的放纵.I think I feel like I need to have one last fling.
- 克里斯蒂娜:啊哈,莉比克,我想我们需要来个根本上的重新造型.Christina: Aahh! Libeck, I think we need to have a total makeover.
- 在你方便的时候我想来看看你。I'd like to see you whenever it's convenient.
- 当我亲身来到这所大学的时候,它激励了我,让我想来这儿学习。When I actually visited the university, it inspired me and made me want to go there.
- "护士,我什么时候可以回家?" "我想,可能下周末吧,不过,那该由医生决定。""When will I be allowed to go home, nurse?" "Towards the end of the week, I should think, but it's for the doctor to decide."
- 我想来贵校进修,并盼能给予助学金。I am writing to you to apply for a fellowship with a stipend in your university.
- "她对饮食过分着意,所以我想她不会接受邀请去参加你的晚宴的。""She's fussy about her food, so I don't think she'll accept the invitation to your dinner."
- 我想给大家来个惊奇,可我妹妹却先说漏了嘴。I wanted it to be a surprise, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
- 客好主意,我想来一听枸杞汁。Guest Good idea! I'll have a fresh wolfberry juice.
- 1小时前天就下起了间断小雨、我想不会持续太久。It began to spot with rain an horn ago, but I don't think it will last.
- 最后,我想让大家来动动脑筋。In conclusion,I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.
- 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。I'd like to open a deposit account with you.
- “你想来吗?”“哦,我还说不好。”'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.'
- 我想我能出席,有什么特别的议程吗?需不需要我准备材料?I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any material?
- 要是不麻烦的话,我很想来杯咖啡。I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee, if it's no trouble.
- 我想种四五棵苹果树,但还没最后定呢。I want to plant four or five apple trees but I haven't decided yet.
- 我想请个律师来打这场官司。I'm trying to employ a lawyer to handle the case.
- 不管你想不想来你他妈的给我过来。You're fucking well coming whether you want to or not.
- 我想尝试一下跳伞,可到最后关头却没有了勇气。I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.
- 在今天的讲课中我想把这个问题阐述得广泛些而不是深入透彻些。In today's lecture I'd like to interpret this problem broadly rather than in depth.