- 我得把口袋补一补.I must darn the hole in my pocket.
- 我得把口袋补一补。I must darn the hole in my pocket.
- 你的大衣的手肘部分已经磨薄了,所以我得把它们补一补。The elbows on your coat have worn thin, so I must patch them.
- 你的套头毛衣的肘部磨坏了--我得给补一补.The elbows of your jersey are worn I'll need to patch them.
- 我得把一张5英镑的钞票兑开,才能把欠你的50便士付给你。I can't pay the 50p I owe you without breaking into a 5 note.
- 我大衣的领子已经磨薄了,所以我得补一补。The collar on my coat has worn thin,so I must patch it.
- 我得把前胎打一下气。I have to get my front tyre blown up.
- 补一补repaire
- 那白人轻轻一笑,把口袋里的硬币弄得叮叮当当直响。The white man laughed softly, jingled some coins in his pocket.
- 他需要多吃些东西补一补。He needs feeding up some.
- 今天我得把工作带回家做。I have to bring my work home today.
- 我能够委托胡珀先生把一班侯补生带出去勘察地形吗?Could I trust Hooper to take the candidates class out map-reading?
- 我得把这些油污都擦洗掉。I'll have to scrub off all the oil muck.
- 他把上衣交给我,让我补一补。He gave me his coat to mend.
- 在延长赛的最后一分钟我得了一分。I got one point in the last minute of overtime.
- 我需要请人把大衣补一补。I need my coat mended.
- 这封信的拼写错误太多, 我得重写一遍.There were so many spelling mistakes, I had to write the letter out again from scratch.
- 袜子补好后,我把它们一双双地理好。When I finished the mending,I paired up the socks.
- 我的表快了,我得把它校准。I must adjust my watch, it's fast.
- 我的衣服穿破了,我得补一下。My clothes are worn out and I have to mend them.