- 我很高兴做这件事.I'll do it with pleasure.
- 不用说,这件事使我很高兴。十二月底,是一年中的第二个收获季节,我收割了我的庄稼。This I was very glad of, you may be sure, and about the latter end of December, which was our second Harvest of the Year, I reap'd my Crop.
- 所以我很高兴做这工作,不只是为了你们,也为了你们的孩子,以及他们的孩子,为了将来世世代代的子孙。So I am very happy to do this job. Not only for you, but for your children and for their children as well, for future generations.
- 我很乐意为你做这件事。I'll be glad to do it for you.
- 我很高兴我们能够共同商讨这件事。I'm just happy that we're able to talk about it.
- "别跟我来那一套!你知道他为什么做那件事。是因为她太罗嗦。""Don't give me that! You know why he did it. She nagged him."
- 对那结果我很高兴。I am glad of the outcome.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?""But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 他们尽力地做这件事。They did the job at full steam.
- 好,我很高兴可以再尝试一次。但是,我告诉你,我打得不好。OK, I'm happy to try again. But I tell you, I'm not very good.
- 我很高兴再次见到你。I am pleased to see you again.
- 那家报纸把这件事当头版新闻报导。The newspaper splashed the story on page one.
- 我很高兴告诉各位,去年我在《施政报告》公布的多项道路及铁路网络扩展计划都进展良好。In my 1997 Policy Address I described some of our plans to expand these networks,and I am happy to report that we have made good progress in this area.
- 尽管与+的传统意义不符,但用+来做这件事情仍然是非常自然的。It seems a natural use of the + even though it doesn'fit with the traditional way that + is used.
- 约翰老是因为她撞坏了汽车这件事而责备她。John always casts up at her the fact that she crashed the car.
- 所以我很高兴赢得了胜利,这场比赛确实艰难。So I'm happy I came through on top because this was a difficult match.
- 如果你帮我做这件工作,我就会酬谢你。If you help me with this job ,I will make it worth your while .
- "对于我的进球我感到很高兴,但最重要的是我们整体踢得都很好,"这名意大利青年队前锋强调.“I'm happy with my goals but most of all with the way we played as a team,” the Azzurrini marksman insisted.
- 只有专家才能对这件事发表意见。Only an expert should pronounce on the case.
- 总有一天,你会后悔这件事的。There will come a day when you will repent of this.