- 我很想抽枝烟.I was gasping for a cigarette.
- 谢谢。要抽枝烟吗?Thanks. Care for a cigarette?
- 我很想了解这些事情,也很想了解他是否也有和我唱歌时一样的感受?他是谁呢?I'd like to know these things, and I'd also like to know if he felt the same as I feel when singing this song.
- 我很想知道贵方所希望的最早交货日期。I am desirous to know the earliest time of delivery you expect.
- 我很想知道这幅画能否修复。I wonder if this picture can be restored.
- 我很想放弃城市那种闹哄哄的生活,退休去乡村过安静简朴的生活。I would like to give up this hectic city living and retire to the country and the simple life.
- 我很想抽支烟。I'm desperate for a cigarette.
- 我很想今晚搭乘某人的车回家,有门儿吗?I'd like a lift home in someone's car tonight. Anything doing?
- 我很想抽根烟。I was gasping for a cigarette.
- 我很想把烟戒掉。I have a strong desire to quit smoking.
- 多尔自信地处理了这个情况并强调:“我很想在这里有所建树。And everyone only wanted to hear something else about the number one topic in the media these days, the alleged arguments at Borussia Dortmund.
- “请你告诉令妹,我很想和她见见面。”"Pray tell your sister that I long to see her."
- 我很想买一套新衣服,扔掉这身破衣服。I wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off my rags.
- 我很想让你和我的朋友蒂娜认识一下。I'd like you to meet Tina, my friend.
- 我很想知道当冒险进入一个虚拟的现实时走多远才算不过分。I must wonder how far is too far when venturing into a virtual reality.
- 我很想买一套新衣服,好赶快脱掉这身旧衣服。I wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off my old clothes.
- 我很想说些适当的话,但我不能够。I'd like to say the right thing,but I can not.
- 我很想知道他们是如何获得成功的。I'm most curious about how they achieved their success.
- 上校眼睛茫然望着空中,我很想知道有谁的样子能象他这样胸襟坦荡,心地清白。The Colonel stared into vacancy, and I wondered whether anyone could be quite so innocent of guile as he looked.
- 林先生,我很想知道你们报盘的情况。Mr. Lin,I'm anxious to know about your offer.