- 你把你的甜甜圈給我吗?真不知该说什么,太感动了。You're giving me one of your donuts? I don't know what to say, I'm getting all misty.
- 我太感动了.977 It really got to me.
- 喔 我太感动了。Wow! I'm overwhelmed.
- 我想交一个女朋友,但我太羞于去接近女孩子并和她约会了。I want to have a girlfriend, but I'm too shy to approach a girl and ask her for a date.
- 这些话感动了我那位慈母般的阿妈,她那时就决定还不让我出去服役。This moved my good motherly nurse, so that she from that time resolved I should not go to service yet
- 艾玲:史基普,我实在很感谢您,在我住院时,送给我鲜花。您真是对我太好了。Erin: Skip, I really appreciate the flowers you sent me when I was in the hospital. It was very sweet of you.
- 我太笨嘴拙舌了,参加不了辩论会。I am too clumsy of speech to participate in the debate.
- 说我太冷漠、太寡恩,你那许多;重重叠叠的深情厚意,我却Ungrateful, that for these most manifold;High gifts, I render nothing back at all?
- 谢尔顿踌躇了一下,但是他那句话里“我总是耽在这儿的”这最后几个字的淳朴意味感动了他。Shelton hesitated, but those last few words, "I'm always here," touched him in their simplicity.
- 那太令人感动了,真太令人感动了。That's affecting, truly affecting.
- 既然苏珊一直渴望看这场电影,把我的票给她吧。我太累了,更想呆在家里。Let Susan have my ticket since she's keen to see the show. I'm so tired I'd as soon stay at home anyway.
- 不是公爵夫人的眼泪感动了我,而是人民的疾苦。I am not moved by the tears of a duchess, but the sufferings of the people touch me.
- 是的,小时侯我是个非常忧郁孤独的小姑娘。我太腼腆了,很少和人交往。Yes, I was a very sad child, and very lonely and I think, the way I saved myself was to invent the characters that I could talk to.
- 看吧!我就知道!你被他的电子邮件音乐感动了。Sue: See! I knew it! You were moved by his e-mail music.
- 是,戏里你的倔脾气得罪了所有警察,我演警察甲对不起,实在对不起,我太臭了。Yeah-yeah, I'm one of the cops that won't work with you 'cause you a lose cannon. Anyway, look, I'm really sorry, but I stink!
- 纳税人:您说的对我太有帮助了,谢谢!Taxpayer: what you have said is very helpful,thank you.
- 她说她认为我太懒了,不是个好丈夫。She said she considered me to be too lazy to be a good husband.
- 我太愚蠢了,对不起你,真叫人难过。I am very sorry indeed for my foolish and ungrateful conduct.
- 我太忙不去散步了,而且时候已晚了。I am too busy to go for a walk; besides, it is late.
- 不知道。可能是我太怕现实生活了。I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm too scared of real life.