- 我在淋浴室呢.I'm in the shower.
- 突然放了一个响屁,并且自己大笑起来,因为它在淋浴室中显得太响了.Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.
- 我在球赛中也灌进了一球呢,那可不是我所谓的“打得不好”。I also got a slam dunk in that game. That isn't what I call bad playing.
- 我指给你看,淋浴室在哪儿,奥德丽。I'll show you the shower, Audrey.
- 我在入口处等你,你魔杖一挥就可以弄张入场券让我进去。I can meet you at the entrance and you can wave your magic wand and get me a pass in.
- "锚网喷注浆"技术在淋水治理中的应用Application of "Wire Mesh Grouting"Technology Governing in Drenching Water
- 我指给你看,淋浴室在哪儿,奥德丽。I'll show you the shower, audrey
- 函数的单调性和极限在淋雨模型中的应用Application of Monotonicity of Function and Limit in Drenching Rain Model
- 如果我在多年之后见到你,我该怎样称呼你呢?If I should meet thee after long years, how should I greet thee?
- 连接酶链反应技术在淋球菌和沙眼衣原体检测中的应用Apply of Ligase Chain Reaction Technical on Test of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia Trachomatis
- 虽然我在控制体重,我还是想让自己放纵一下,吃一大块巧克力。Although I am watching my weight, I sometimes like to treat myself to a big chocolate bar.
- 把淋浴室放到谷仓Place Shower in the Barn
- 我在黑暗里怎么看出周围的警戒线呢?How am I to find the perimeter in the dark?
- 淋浴室齐平门槛的样本The threshold at the toilet is too high
- 我在机场找到她真是运气。我只是抱着万分之一的希望去的。I was lucky to find her at the airfield. I only went on the off chance.
- "可是,我还有什么别的法子呢?所有的牌都捏在你的手里。""Well, what else is there for me to do? You hold all the cards in your hands."
- 几乎任何公共的洗手间都可以变成你的淋浴室。Practically any public restroom can be transformed into your own private space for washing and relaxing.
- 我在屋子后面发现了他,正打盹儿呢。I found him snoozing out back of the house.
- 有一个桑那浴室,还有很好的淋浴室和免费的美容用品。There's a sauna, and there are very nice showers and free cosmetics!
- 感谢您邀请我在胜利宾馆举行的早宴/午宴/晚宴/会议上出席演讲。Thank you for asking me to be guest speaker at the breakfast/luncheon/dinner/meeting at Victory Hotel.