- 我因迟到而受批评.I was taken to task for arriving late.
- 我因迟到而受批评。I was taken to task for arriving late.
- 如果不是哈里出卖我告诉了工头,我是不会因迟到而受惩罚的。I would have got away with coming in late if Harry hadn't sold me down the river and told the foreman.
- 我因迟到而道歉。I apologized for being late.
- 而(shows contrast)
- 他因为总是迟到而大受批评。He came in for a great deal of criticism for being always late.
- 我祖父以他的年长,正直和睿智而受人尊敬。My grandfather was venerable for his age, his uprightness, and sagacity.
- 他因迟到挨了批评。He got choked off for being late.
- 谁也料不到我因写了“当心,他咬人”这块告示版所受的折磨。No one knows what I suffered from that notice which said: "TAKE CARE OF HIM. HE BITES."
- 我因迟到而受到了严厉的训斥。I was hauled over the coals for being late.
- 他因自私而受人冷落。He was looked down upon because of his egoism.
- 我因悔恨而心如刀割。I was stabbed with remorse.
- 让我因他人的愚昧而受罪是不公平的。It will be unjust to let me suffer for the folly of other people.
- 他因迟到十一分钟而受到记过处分。He gets giged for being eleven minutes late.
- 谁也料不到,我因写了“当心,他咬人”这块告示版所受的折磨。No one knows what I suffered from that notice which said:" TAKE CARE OF HIM. HE BITES."
- 他因迟到而表示歉意。She apologized for being late.
- 我因订有合同而不能离职。I was tied to my job by a contract.
- 他因偷窃而受惩处。He was punished for stealing.
- 他因失职而大受批评。He came in for a good deal of criticism for neglect of duty.