- 我叫他滚蛋.I told him to eff off.
- 他非常烦恼, 因为老板已经叫他滚蛋。He was sore put because his boss had given him the bucket.
- 他非常烦恼,因为老板已经叫他滚蛋。He was sore put because his boss had given him the bucket.
- 我叫他不要扔掉他的过期的医学杂志。I asked him not to hurl away the old copies of his medical journals.
- 叫他滚蛋吧。Tell him to sling his hook.
- 我叫李华,正在办理你校1991年秋季财会转业研究生入学申请。My name is Li Hua. I am applying for the graduate studies in Accounting for the fall of1991.
- 如果西尔维斯特再来这里,这立刻叫他滚蛋!If Silvester comes round here again I'll send him packing!
- 我叫他不要读那种蹩脚作品。I told him not to read that trash.
- 把钱给费朗德,然后请他滚蛋,似乎太残忍了。再说他自己刚巧身边一个钱也没带。It seemed so brutal to give Ferrand money and ask him to clear out; besides, he chanced to have none in his pocket.
- 我叫他不要游手好闲。I told him not to goof around.
- 把钱给费朗德,然后请他滚蛋,似乎太残忍了。再说他自己刚巧身边一个钱也没带。It seemed so brutal to give Ferrand money and ask him to clear out; besides, he chanced to have none in his pocket.
- 我叫他仔细看着我,并且照样做。I told him to watch me and do likewise.
- 他抄起一把大折刀,在屋子里来回赶我,管我叫追命鬼。He chased me round and round the place with a clasp-knife, calling me the Angel of Death.
- 我叫他走开,别来打扰我。I told him to go away and leave me in peace.
- 我叫他方便时给我写信。I asked him to write me at his leisure.
- 近来他干活有点马马虎虎;你最好鼓励鼓励他,叫他好好工作。He has been rather slack in his work lately; you'd better jack him up a bit.
- 我和他约好九点见面,我叫斯蒂纳。I have an appointment to see him at nine. My name's Steiner.
- 我叫他走开,别来打扰我。I tell him to go away and leave me in peace.
- 如果西尔维斯特再来这里,就立刻叫他滚蛋!If Silvester comes round here again,I'll send him packing!
- 我叫他做这事。I made him do it.