- 我们赢得了辉煌的胜利.We've won a famous victory.
- 我们又赢得了辉煌的胜利。We won another splendid victory.
- 我们赢得了合同,但是却经过了多次不屈不挠的谈判才达到目的。We won the contract but only through a lot of tough negotiating.
- 他们前赴后继和殖民主义者作斗争,取得了辉煌的胜利。They rose wave upon wave against the colonialists,winning splendid victories.
- 依靠多年来的不懈努力,我们赢得了业界及客户的赞赏。We have won a good reputation in the field and among customers by our great efforts over many years.
- 这支球队赢得了辉煌胜利。The team won a glorious victory.
- 我们按照我们的体育老师说的做,这样我们赢得了联赛的第一。We did as our P.E teacher told us and we won the first place in the league.
- 9月1日,在印度尼西亚雅加达举行的世界女排大奖赛中,韩国队和巴西队都取得了辉煌的胜利。Korea and the Brazil Both earned impressive victories in the Women's World Volleyball Grand Prix in Jakarta Indonesia,on September 1.
- 论坛的发展达到了辉煌的顶峰。Forum developed a brilliant peak.
- 我们赢得了一个又一个的胜利。We have won the victory of one and one.
- 我们赢得了荣誉奖杯。We won a laureate cup.
- 2000~2001赛季结束后,麦迪成为了辉煌的篮球界年轻天才中的一员。By the time the 2000-2001 season ended, McGrady was one of the brightest young talents in basketball.
- 美国工厂生产谢尔曼坦克和航空母舰的能力是我们赢得第二次世界大战的关键。The ability of American factories to crank out Sherman tanks and aircraft carriers was key to our victory in World War II.
- 辉煌的胜利a splendid victory
- 由于两个主要政党都赢得了相同数量的席位,因此作为少数派的政党居于举足轻重的地位。Since the two main parties each win the same number of seat, the minority party holds the balance of power.
- 这艘老破船度过了辛苦的一生,最终迎来了辉煌的死亡,如同蒙受天恩,如同领赏获奖。A magnificent death had come like a grace, like a gift, like a reward to that old ship at the end of her laborious days.
- 我们赢得了那场有目共睹的胜利。We win the emphatic victory.
- 他们大家欢庆那辉煌的胜利。They all rejoiced over the brilliant victory.
- 面对激烈的竞争,我们赢得了这份合同。We won the contract in the face of stiff competition.
- 红军青年队将于本周末回家,他们在赛季末去美国的旅行中取得了辉煌的不败战绩。Liverpool's youth team will return home from their end-of-season tour to America this weekend boasting a proud unbeaten record.