- 他的运气到头了。His fortune has gone kiting.
- 我们的运气到头了.Our luck has run out, ie has ended.
- “我们遵守一切规章制度,但我们的运气不好,那天死了一人。"We followed all the rules, but the dice rolled poorly for us, and one man lost his life that day
- 医学领域的大进步延长了我们的寿命,降低了婴儿死亡率。The vast improvements made in the field of medicine have served to lengthen our life expectancy and to reduce the rate of infant mortality.
- 我高兴得轻飘飘地,总算熬到头了。I was lightheaded, glad my ordeal was over.
- 我们在印度支那快要熬到头了。Our Indochinese nightmare would be over.
- 我们能去是我们的运气好。It was lucky for us that we were able to go.
- 带子到头了,你并没有拍男士吸烟的镜头。That's the end of the tape. You didn't show a man smoking.
- 我们都以为我们的运气就要来了。We all felt that our luck was about to come.
- 就在疼痛慢慢消失之际,他已明白他的运气也已耗尽在舞台上了。He knew even as the pain slipped out of him that his luck had run out on the stage.
- 她正在想这种苦工怎么没完没了时,从电梯通道那里传来了一阵沉闷的铃声,总算熬到头了。When she was wondering whether the strain would ever cease, a dull- sounding bell clanged somewhere down an elevator shaft, and the end came.
- 我们的炮兵摧毁了敌人的防御工事。Our artillery smashed the enemy defenses.
- 我们都以为我们的运气要转变了。We all felt that our luck was about to turn.
- 我从来没有交过这样好的运气,有人把我介绍给诺亚·波特先生了。The greatest thing ever has happened to me. I've been introduced to Mr. Noah Porter!
- 以前我们的男孩在学校常受欺侮,他开始反抗后就不会了。Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back.
- 我们都以为我们的运气就要转变了。We all felt that our luck was about to turn .
- 于是我带回了七十三个金币,让我的老保姆看看我赌钱的运气有多么好。Thus I brought home seventy-three guineas, and let my old governess see what good luck I had at play.
- 当恐惧战胜了我们的理智,它就开始渗入到我们的行动中。When fear overcomes our minds, it begins to seep into our actions.
- 这一次我们的运气可能不会那样好。We mightn't be so lucky this time.
- 密特-罗姆尼,募集了1400万,有着不错的运气,获得提名的可能性为19%,名列第三。Mitt Romney, who raised %2414m and has a huge personal fortune to draw on, comes third with 19%25.