- 我们的运动在发展壮大。Our campaign is gaining momentum.
- 我们的运动在发展壮大.Our campaign is gaining momentum.
- 我们的决心不断发展壮大-这是个永恒的挑战-但永远是在与客户合作的框架下工作。Our determination is growth - a perpetual challenge - but always working within the context of cooperation and inclusion of our customers.
- 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)协调的运动在全世界消灭了天花。Smallpox was eradicated from the world through a campaign coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- 我们的运动在人民的心中根深蒂固。Our movement is rooted in the hearts of the people.
- 我们的汽车工业在发展。Our automobile industry is expanding.
- 不过,他们很害羞,以最小的运动在前面坦克为契机,以退为他们躲藏的地方。However, they are quite shy, and take the smallest movement in front of the tank as an occasion to retreat into their hiding places.
- 伴随着公司的发展壮大,公司基地面积不断扩充,种植的品种也在不断增加。With the development of the company, the base area is enlarged rapidly and the species also is increased continually.
- 在发展出深蓝色染料后,深蓝色成为牛仔裤的注册商标。The development of an indigo dye gave these pants their famous blue color.
- 欢迎到我们的运动中心。Welcome to our sports center.
- 质量在整个系统中的分布方式一般要影响系统的运动性质。The manner in which mass is distributed throughout a system generally affects the behavior of the system.
- 请一定努力工作,不仅为了公司也为你自己,这是你自己和我们公司发展壮大的唯一出路。Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, that's the only way for you and our company keep growing.
- 时代在发展,我们的市况也比以前好多了。The times are developing, and the appearance of our city has become much prettier than before.
- 传动装置一组齿轮和连在一起的部件,通过它们实现运动在一机器内传送A system of gears and associated elements by which motion is transferred within a machine.
- 我们要他参加我们的运动。We'll enlist him in our movement.
- 我们同东欧也在发展关系,这是我们的新方针。We are also developing relations with Eastern Europe,which is a new policy for us.
- 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)发起的运动在全世界消灭了天花。Smallpox was eradicated from the world through a campaign coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- 以前我们的男孩在学校常受欺侮,他开始反抗后就不会了。Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back.
- 涉及升高到一个更高点的运动(例如在海拔、温度或强度上等)。an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.).
- 我们始终认为“只有客户的成功和发展才有我们的壮大”。We think all the time that"We do not get any development until the customers have got success and development".