- 我们的办公楼在市中心.Our office is in the centre of the town.
- 我们的办公楼是白颜色的,在北二环路、雍和宫向东300米处。My office, a white building, is located in North Second Ring Road, 300 meters to the east of the Lama Temple.
- 这座新建的大楼是我们的办公楼。The newly-built building is our office building.
- 居住在市中心贫民区的孩子在教育方面可能处于不利的地位。Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged.
- 过了美术馆之后,在右边你会看到我们的办公楼。You'll see our building on your right after you pass the museum.
- 我小时候住在市中心的公寓里。它看上去又脏又有点危险。When I was young, I lived in a flat right in the center. It looked dirty and a bit dangerous.
- 旅舍虽在市中心却非常幽静,能听到清脆的鸟叫和净寺的钟声。Inside our hostel you may hear birds singing and bell sound from a temple not far.
- 在你过了美术馆之后,在你右边你会看到我们的办公楼。You will see our building on your right after you pass the museum.
- 以前我们的男孩在学校常受欺侮,他开始反抗后就不会了。Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back.
- 恐怕我们的房间已经完全订满了。在市中心会召开一个会议而我们是离会议中心最近的一家宾馆。I'm afraid we're totally booked for this weekend. There's a convention downtownand we're the closest hotel to the convention center.
- 想了解哪些属性和方法可以在布尔对象中使用吗?请查看我们的布尔对象参考。For a complete reference of the properties and methods that can be used with the Boolean object, go to our Boolean object reference.
- 从柴油机烟囱里冒出来的黑色烟团正在污染我们的空气。The black masses of smoke puffing out of the engine chimneys are polluting our are polluting our air.
- 我们的预订座位是靠窗的8号和9号,座位号在座位的后面。Our reserved seats are Numbers 8 and 9 near the window.The seat number is on the back of the seat.
- 在过去一年中,我最感动的是我在抗洪抢险第一线看到我们的人民解放军。What touched me most over the past year was what l saw on the forefront of the fight against flooding.
- 对方立场非常坚定,估计背后有我们的同行在为其撑腰。Party take firm stand owing presumably behind scene support by our competitor
- 在我们的进驻期间我们在路上收集了民工们穿破了的手套。During our residency we collect the worn-out gloves of the labourers from the road.
- 表达自己的情感在压力下,我们的情绪和情感都会受到影响。express your feelings When under stress,our emotions and feelings are affected.
- 逆戟鲸的伴星在冬天来到,带着我们的救世主来到的消息。Comes the orca whale in winter, with the news of our Savior's coming.
- 我们的邻居看来似乎无所事事,但事实上他在等待时机。Our neighbour seems to be doing nothing,but in fact he's just biding his time.
- 十三大报告要在理论上阐述什么是社会主义,讲清楚我们的改革是不是社会主义。The report to be delivered at the Thirteenth National Party Congress should elaborate the theory of socialism and make it clear that our reform is socialist.