- 我们对她的行为有怀疑。We regard her behaviour with suspicion.
- 我们对她的行为有怀疑.We regard her behaviour with suspicion.
- 她突然对我们好起来了,我们对她的意图有怀疑。She suddenly became kind to us, and we were suspicious of her intention.
- 她一点儿也不在乎他们对她的行为有何看法。She doesn't care a jot or tittle what they think of her bahaviour.
- 由于了解她的政治偏见,我们对她的大部分报道都持怀疑态度。Knowing her political bias we discounted most of her story.
- 它们的行为有两种基本类型,即模态工具和加载的光标工具。There are two basic variants of palette tool behavior: modal tools and charged cursor tools.
- 让我们对她的行为先作一个善意的解释吧。Let's put a good construction on her conduct first.
- 发觉你自己享有声誉的惟一时期,是你的行为有负你的盛名之时。The only time you realize you have a reputation is when you're not living up to it.
- 埃尔顿先生在一次舞会上对她的粗鲁无礼更促成了她的醒悟。Her recovery was aided by Mr. Elton's rudeness to her at a ball.
- 我们对她表示深切的同情。We showed deep sympathy for her.
- 在序言里她对她的诽谤者表示愤慨。In her preface she pours out vials of wrath on her detractors.
- 我们对他那愚蠢的行为都感到好笑。We were all amused at his foolish behaviour.
- 我们对她。We all admire her for her free-flowing movement.
- 她的孩子的行为有点早熟。her child behaves precociously.
- 我们对她流畅的动作赞叹不已。We all admire her for her free-flowing movement.
- 这就要求我们对网络经济及其企业竞争行为有一个全面的崭新的认识。All of above requests us have a span-new and all-sided acquaintance on network economy and the competition behavior of the enterprise hi network economy.
- 沃森太太对她的贵宾殷勤备至,力求让他感到十分舒适。Mrs Watson fell all over her distinguished guest in an attempt to make him completely comfortable.
- 本质上说,我们对他的行为保留一份清晰的审核踪迹。Essentially, we maintain a clear audit trail of his actions.
- 艾丽斯姨妈对她的孩子们有些过分溺爱。Alice makes over her children a little too much.
- 如果你考虑过她所受的良好训练,你对她的成功就不会惊讶了Her success is not surprising if you consider her excellent training.