- 我不敢打扰你.I won' t presume to disturb you.
- 在这个问题上,你的意见,我不敢苟同。I beg to differ with you on the subject.
- 我不敢说同意你的意见。这部电影并不太糟。I am not sure I agree with you. It is not too bad.
- 我回来以后,你一直默不作声,你的心情我很清楚,我不打扰你。You've been quiet since I came in, and I know your moods pretty well, so I won't bug you.
- 我不敢肯定校长是要开除他还是再给他一次机会。这完全是个说不准的事。I'm not sure whether the headmaster will throw him out or give him a second chance. It's a complete toss-up.
- 他勃然大怒,用目光盯着我使我不敢与他对视。He fell into a rage and stared me down.
- 我不敢肯定我们是否能这样用这个词。I am not very sure whether we can use the word this way.
- "简是个漂亮的姑娘,是吧?" "我不敢说她漂亮,她确实很有钱--这无论如何会使她显得很有魅力的!""Jane's a pretty girl, isn't she?" "I didn't know about pretty. She's certainly got plenty of money--which makes her attractive, anyway!"
- 我不敢想象如果我们迟到了会发生什么事。I dread to think what will happen if we are late.
- 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。I don't pretend to know as much as he does about it.
- 我不敢说这次乘船旅游很便宜,但是我觉得这钱花得很值。I wouldn't say that the cruise was a great bargain, but I feel that we got our money's worth.
- 我不敢说我已完全听懂了(你的话).I' m not sure that I fully understand ( you ).
- 我不敢肯定在这个池塘里洗澡是否安全。I'm not sure if it's safe to bathe in his pond.
- 我不敢相信他会在我女友面前抖出我的秘密。I can not believe he let my secret out in front of my girlfriend.
- 整个晚上我都让灯开着,因为要是到处都是黑洞洞的,我不敢进屋。I leave the lights on all evening, because I dare not go in the house when ifs all dark.
- 我想他走住在那里,但我不敢肯定。I think he lives there but I couldn't say for sure.
- 我不敢把比尔放到花园去--他会把花全都拔掉的。I daren't let Bill loose on the garden he'd pull up all the flowers.
- 我不知道他敢不敢站在大庭广众面前。I wonder whether he dare stand up in public.
- 我不敢穿比基尼.连身式的泳衣就好了.I dare not wear a bikini. A one-piece swimsuit will be fine.
- 当时我不是不敢,只不过我不想把局面搞僵罢了。I am sure I dared, but I hesitated to bring a deadlock.