- 我不想逃避什么.I'm not trying to get out of anything.
- "我不想打扰你了,你继续工作吧。"I don't want to interfere with you; proceed with your work.
- 如果不麻烦的话,我现在就想要这些情报;但是我不想使你太麻烦。I should like the information now if it will be no trouble to you; but I don't want to put you about.
- 我根本不想买戒指。但我不能掩饰这样的事实:其钻石之大给我留下了深刻印象。I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds.
- 我不想费事弄什么吃了,我一点儿不饿。I don't think I'll bother with anything. I'm not in the least hungry.
- 我喜欢你们学院但我不想报名去你院。I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.
- 成群的秃鹰正从四面八方向佐治亚起来,我不想逃避,我要和他们周旋,你明白吗,做一个像样的投靠北方人的人就得么这干,不过我并不信任他们。I wouldn't put anything beyond the swarm of buzzards that's swooping down on Georgia now from north, east, south and west. I'm playing along with them, you understand, as a good Scallawag should do, but I don't trust them.
- 我不想她在我发言时插入自己的观点。I don't want her to toss in her opinion while I ma speaking.
- 我不想多管闲事,但到底是在争论什么?I don't want to be nosey, but what was the big argument about?
- 我不想在市区闲逛。我还有别的事要做。I don't want to lounge about town. I have other things to do.
- 我不想和阿诺德讨论,因为他想使我回想起我过去犯错误不愉快的往事。I don't want to get into a discussion with Arnold because he'll want to rake over the ashes of my past mistakes.
- 我不想同她说话,因为那只会引起争吵。I don't want to talk to her because it will only spark off a row.
- 把那只猫赶出去,我不想让它在我的房里。Put that cat out of the house. I don't want it in my room.
- 不要谈论此事,我不想让这事传出去。Please don't speak of this I don't want it to get round.
- 听仔细,因为我不想重复我所讲的话。Listen carefully because I don't want to repeat myself.
- 我不想出席婚礼牺牲星期天 ... 但不去对生意往来又不好。I wish I did not have to waste my Sunday go to a wedding ... but it'd be bad for business not to go.
- 我不想独自一人去看电影,是不是一块去?I don't want to go to the film on my own; Shall we go together?
- 我不想低估他的作用,也不想贬低他的成就。I have no wish to minimize his role or his achievement.
- 我不想让你做任何有损于我们名声的事情。I don't want you to do anything that would hurt our good name.
- 我不想陷得很深,不要极力劝我去这样做。I don't like to be in deep. Don't urge me to do so.