- 我不喜欢上司监督我。I hate to have my boss standing over me.
- 我不喜欢上司监督我.I hate to have my boss standing over me.
- 我不喜欢在那里工作,因为那里的人太爱背后说别人坏话。I didn't enjoy working there--there was too much backbiting.
- 我不喜欢他在自己新作中对这一主题的论述。I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book.
- 这是因为我不喜欢固定的工作时间。It's because I do not like to fix work hour.
- 昨天晚上我去看了那部新上映的电影,但它很差劲,我不喜欢。I went to see that new film last night but it was no great shakes and I don't recommend it.
- 我不喜欢在下雷雨时独自一个人呆着。I don't like being by myself during a thunder storm.
- 我不喜欢在聚会中与她交谈;我总感到她无时不在让我难受。I don't enjoy talking to her at parties; I always feel that she's trying to psych me out all the time.
- 我不喜欢他的为人,但我钦佩他的艺术。I dislike him personally, but I admire his art.
- 我不喜欢过去男士们将头发弄得油光水滑的式样。I don't like that fashion the men used to have of slicking their hairs down.
- 我不喜欢花太多时间和太太家的亲戚来往。I do not like to spend a lot of time with my wife's relatives.
- 我不喜欢在国外的时候象在老家一样。I dislike feeling at home when I am abroad.
- 我不喜欢这家餐馆,我们到别处去吧。I don't like this restaurant; let's go somewhere else.
- 我可能不喜欢她,但我不会再骂她了。I may not like her but I would stop short of calling her names.
- 我不喜欢看见女人在公开场合化妆打扮。I don't like to see women making up in public.
- 我的工作本身是挺不错的,不过我不喜欢固定的上下班时间。My job is all right as far as it goes, but I don't like fixed working hours.
- 我不喜欢驱车穿越伦敦,因为交通太拥挤。I don't like driving through London because there's too much congestion.
- 我不喜欢他妹妹,我对这一事实不加隐瞒。I made no secret of the fact that I don't like his sister.
- 我不喜欢游手好闲,不想过奢侈的生活。I wouldn't like loafing. I don't want to ride the gravy train.
- 我不喜欢别人不让我知道与我密切相关的事情。I don't like being kept in the dark about matters that affect me closely.