- 我一看见他就十分反感.The sight of him is repulsive to me.
- 我们已20年没见面了。但我一看见他立刻就认出他来了。We hadn't met for 20years, but I recognized him the moment I saw him.
- 也不知为什麽,我一见他就十分讨厌他。I don't know why, but I took a strong dislike to him as soon as I saw him.
- 我一看见他的朋友,我就觉得很满意,认为碰到了一个很诚实的人;他的脸孔就显出他的诚实。As soon as I saw his friend, I was fully satisfied I had a very honest man to deal with; his countenance spoke it.
- 也不知为什么,我一见他就十分讨厌他。I don't know why,but I took strong dislike to him as soon as I saw him.
- 我非常恼火,几乎一看见他就讨厌。I'm so mad, I an hardly stand the sight of him.
- 也不知为什么我一见他就十分讨厌他。I don't know why,but I took a strong dislike to him as soon as I saw him.
- 狄克一看见他父亲就溜了。Dick bobbied off at the sight of his father.
- 我一看见奶油草莓就非吃不可。I can never resist strawberries and cream.
- 我看见他突然拐进路旁一家书店里去了。I saw him strike into a bookshop along the road.
- 一提起这事,他就十分冲动,并拔出手枪来。At the mere mention of the subject he went hog wild and pulled out a gun.
- 我一看见那个持枪的蒙面人就吓得浑身冰凉.The sight of the masked gunman made my blood freeze.
- 想到他能对什么人侃侃而谈他就十分激动。He was quite excited at the thought of talking his fill with someone.
- 在那一瞬间,我看见他投出一只球。I saw him throwing a ball at that moment .
- 我一看见他就感到恶心。Each time I saw him, I curled up.
- 我一看见他就认出他来了。I recognized him instantly I saw him.
- 我一看他的样子就知道他是一个水手。I know he is a sailor by the cut of his jib.
- 他是个天生的小丑。只要一看见他那副模样就足以令你笑破肚皮。He's a born clown,just the sight of him is enough to make you fall about laughing.
- 我一出来,他就拿给我一瓶盐汽水。As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted soda water.
- 我从未看见过简小姐,但她走下飞机时我一眼就认出了她,因为我曾见过她许多照片。I had never seen Miss Jane, but when she got off the aeroplane I knew her at sight because I had seen a lot of her pictures.