- 我一天到晚忙得团团转.I've been on the hop all day.
- 我一天到晚忙得团团转。I've been on the hop all day.
- 我似乎整天忙得团团转,但忙不出什么结果。I seem to have been running round in circles all day and yet I've got no progress to show for it.
- 得permit
- 她就是一天到晚忙这忙那没个停。Hers is a manically full life.
- 一天到晚忙我们很多事。Thus we are always busy with a lot of things.
- 变得became
- “他们在怎样对付食品危机?”“为弄到几包糖,他们个个都忙得团团转。”"What are they doing about the food crisis?" "They're all running around like blue-arsed flies chasing up bags of sugar."
- 你越给它,它越要。所以大家才一天到晚忙,不晓得忙什么。The more you give, the more it demands and the busier we get, although we may never figure out what makes us so busy.
- 我喜欢园艺,我还养了两只狗,它们已经把我忙得团团转了。I like gardening and I have two dogs which keep me pretty busy.
- "母亲需要休假。你是知道的,这些孩子们的确让她忙得不可开交了。""Mother needs a holiday: the children do run her feet, you know."
- 老板急得团团转,一个劲地猛抽着烟。The boss fluttered about,taking quick nervous puffs at his cigarette.
- 这几天我是忙得不可开交。I've had my hands full these last few days.
- 他急得团团转。He fusses around.
- 她忙得头脑发昏。She was so busy that she was in a mix.
- 风把枯叶吹得团团转。The wind whirled the dead leaves about.
- 父亲回到家里看到一家人狂乱得团团转时,问道:“怎么回啦?”When my father came home and saw the family rushing around madly he asked,"What's the big deal?"
- 他忙得连身体健康都无法顾及。He was so busy that he neglected his health.
- 大扫除使得我一整天一直忙得不可开交。I've been as busy as a bee all day doing my spring-cleaning.
- 忙得不可开交have one's hands full