- 成千上万的牛正在挨饿.Thousands of cattle are starving.
- 成千上万的牛正在挨饿。Thousands of cattle are starving.
- 暴风雪持续了两个星期,成千上万的牲口正在挨饿。The snowstorm lasted two weeks and thousands of cattle were starving.
- 牛ox
- 孩子们正在挨饿时,我们却在生产最豪华的奢侈品。We are producing most extravagant luxuries while children starve.
- 几头牛正在池塘边饮水。Some cattle were drinking at the pond.
- 由於收成不好, 成千上万的人在挨饿.Thousands are going hungry because of the failure of the harvest.
- 农民们一直在想让最壮的公牛和最健康的母牛交配以生产更好的牛。Farmers keep trying to produce better cattle by mating their strongest bulls with their healthiest cows.
- 情况真的如此吗?太空探索对减轻地球上正在挨饿的千百万人的痛苦到底做了什么呢Is this really the case? What has the space exploration done to relieve the suffering of the earth's starving millions?
- 他一日三餐,其它地方成千上万的人挨饿对他有什么影响呢?He gets his three meals a day and what is it to him if thousands starve elsewhere?
- 母牛正在牲口棚里吃乾草呢。The cows were feeding on hay in the barn.
- 他们因缺乏食物而正在挨饿。They are famish for food.
- 金牛Taurus
- 该铁路有成千上万的股东。The railway had many thousands of shareholders.
- 光交联剂SANPAH在处理后的牛颈静脉血管表面接枝生物短肽RGD Biological Short Peptide RGD Grafted on the Bovine Jugular Vein Conduit by Photo Cross-linker SANPAH
- 每天下午五点半到六点之间,成千上万的人从地铁车站涌向街道。The underground stations poured thousands of people into the streets between 5:30 and 6 o'clock each afternoon.
- 母牛正在牲口棚里吃干草呢。The cows were feeding on hay in the barn.
- 福林为自己偷窃辩解的理由是他的家人正在挨饿。Follin's justification for stealing is tat his family be starve.
- 无可争辩,现在有成千上万的人仍过着挨饿的痛苦生活。It is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to face the dangers of starvation.
- 牛正在草场上吃草。The cattle are eating grass on the pasture.