- 愤怒地低声咒骂.angrily muttering curses
- 他愤怒地咒骂了一句。He ripped out an angry oath.
- 我哪会不知道,我一走过,他们就低声咒骂?难道我听不见。Don't I know, can't I hear the men growling oaths under their breath after I've gone by?
- 在悌摩西家里,就有人悲哀地低声说:罗杰在饮食上一直就是放任自己。At Timothy's it was whispered sadly that poor Roger had always been eccentric about his digestion.
- 愤怒地wrathfully
- 他愤怒地瞪眼看我。He glared at me with rage.
- 这个女孩耳语似地低声问道,话都说不利索:“你想要我干什么?”The girl whispered, having trouble with words, "what do you want for me?"
- 他愤怒地咒骂全人类。He flung out in a rage against the whole human race.
- 他焦虑地低声说话。He spoke in a low, strained voice.
- 那男孩愤怒地握紧了拳头。The boy clenched his fists in anger.
- 她恶狠狠地低声说话。She spoke in a fierce whisper.
- 他愤怒地打翻桌子。He overthrew the table in anger.
- 她不停地低声说。she kept whispering.
- 愤怒地争吵To quarrel angrily.
- “这个套间真高级。” 乔丹肃然起敬地低声说,引得大家都笑了起来。"It's a swell suite," whispered Jordan respectfully, and every one laughed.
- 约翰愤怒地握紧拳头。John doubled his fists in anger.
- 在悌摩西家里,就有人悲哀地低声说:罗杰在饮食上一直就是放任自己。At Timothy's it was whispered sadly that poor Roger had always been eccentric about his digestion
- 他愤怒地挺直了身子。He drew himself up indignantly.
- 在悌摩西家里,就有人悲哀地低声说:罗杰在饮食上一直就是放任自己。At Timothy's it was whispered sadly that poor Roger had always been eccentric about his digestion.
- 一群年轻的女人在大街上,一边走一边愤怒地大声喊着口号。An army of young women were on the street, marching and screaming out angry slogans.