- 纳入患者770例,随机化763例,剔除28例,脱落17例,最终进入意向治疗(ITT)分析724例,符合方案集分析(PPS)718例。Among 770 included patients, 724 and 718 were screened for intention to treat (ITT) and per-protocol population set (PPS) analysis, respectively.
- 治疗to treat
- 小儿烧伤休克延迟复苏综合治疗分析Analysis of the compound treatment on delayed resuscitation of children with burn shock
- 胆脂瘤型中耳炎细菌学与临床治疗分析Analysis of results of bacteriological and clinical treatment of suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma
- 女性盆底结构损伤性疾病144例手术治疗分析Operation analysis of the pelvic floor injured disease of 144 female patients
- 治疗分析Treatment analysis
- 原发性肺淋巴瘤和肺淋巴瘤样肉芽肿的临床病理与治疗分析Clinicopathological characteristics and therapy of primary pulmonary lymphoma and lymphomatoid granulomatosis
- 不对称性臀肌挛缩致骨盆倾斜及双下肢不等长:135例治疗分析Pelvic oblique and inequality of lower extremities induced by unsymmetrical gluteal muscle contracture: an analysis of 135 cases
- 意向-治疗分析intent-to-treat (ITT) analysis
- 肝泡球蚴病的治疗分析Analysis on treatment of alveolar hydatid disease
- 舌及口底鳞癌治疗分析Clinic analysis of tongue-mouth floor squamous cell carcinoma
- 重症药疹52例治疗分析Clinical Analysis of the Treatment With High-dose Intravenous Immunoglobulin and Glucocorticoid on 52 Cases of Severe Drug Eruption
- 原发性胆汁性肝硬化-自身免疫性肝炎重叠综合征30例诊断和治疗分析Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis-Autoimmune Hepatitis Overlapping Syndrome: An Ana-lysis of 30 Cases
- 小儿特重烧伤的治疗分析Treatment of Severe Burn in Children
- 颌骨动脉畸形的治疗分析Treatment of arteriovenous malformation in jaw bone
- 钝性肝破裂151例治疗分析Treatment of blunt liver trauma: a report of 151 cases
- 肠结核24例手术治疗分析Analysis of Intestinal Tuberculosis Treated by Operation: a Report of 24 Cases
- 浮膝损伤的合理治疗分析Clinical Analysis of a Rational Method of Treatment of Floating Knee Injury
- 肝门部胆管癌外科治疗分析Result of surgical therapy for hilar cholangiocarcinoma
- 股骨髁间骨折38例治疗分析Analysis on the Therapy 38 Cases of Intercondylar Fracture of Femur