- 想起来就叫人伤心。It was painful to think of it.
- 想起来就叫人伤心.It was painful to think of it.
- 树林深处潜伏的东西让人一想起来就觉得不安。There is something very disturbing about thinking of what lurks in the shadows of the forest.
- 看见那些钱都浪费了,真叫人伤心。It's enough to make you weep,seeing all that money go to waste.
- 看到自己的孩子被判刑真叫人伤心。It is really heartrending to see his own child sentenced.
- 不想indisposition
- 这事我一想起来就别扭。It left a bad taste in my mouth.
- 真令人伤心,他太太发疯了,不得不关在疯人院内。It's very sad, his wife went mad and had to be locked up in the special hospital.
- 这种风气和局面概括起来就叫作生动活泼的政治局面。To sum up,this general mood and situation is a political situation of liveliness.
- 一个人伤心的时候,听到的歌都是伤感的!One personal sad time, the songs for hear are all sad!
- 一段让我一想起来就不舒服的经历an experience that left a bad taste in my mouth.
- 这是一桩有点叫人头痛的事,它会折磨人一些时间,不过不会很长。It's a light affliction and will last but for a season.
- 这样浪费,真叫人看了心疼。It makes one's heart ache to see such waste.
- 乌云密布,看起来就要下雨了。Dark clouds massed and we expected rain.
- 现在我全都想起来了.It's all coming back to me now,ie I'm beginning to remember everything.
- 真叫人欣慰。That's a relief.
- 我猛然想起来了。In a flash I remembered.
- 如果你自己有交通工具,旅行起来就方便多了。It is easier to travel if you have your own transport.
- 我开始想起来了。I am beginning to remember it.
- 砾石、水泥和水合起来就成了混凝土。Gravel and cement unite with water to form concrete.