- 听之胆寒terrified when hearing this
- 一想到又有战争我们就胆寒。We were appalled at the thought of another war.
- 她惧怕蛇。She has a dread of snakes.
- 令人心惊胆寒的经历。an experience that appalls.
- 令人心惊胆寒,毛骨悚然。It made my blood run cold.
- 我们不应该惧怕承担生活的责任。We shouldn't flinch from the responsibilities of life.
- 她那严厉的语气令他胆寒。He winced inwardly at her harsh tone.
- 惧怕危险而退缩to flinch from danger
- 他们已成为恒河三角洲的令人胆寒的力量。They were the terror of the Ganges delta.
- 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量.We fear the military might of the enemy.
- 他残酷无情的批评令我胆寒。His cruel and callous comments made me shiver.
- 他发出痛苦惧怕的尖叫声。He made a yell of pain (fear).
- 管理员行为的残暴使所有人胆寒。The atrocity of the manager's actions appalled everybody.
- 惧怕枪炮声的狗a gun-shy dog
- 匈奴王阿提拉曾令东欧人民胆寒。Attila struck terror into the people of Eastern Europe
- 使某人感到惧怕to inspire someone with fear
- 谢里丹的名字也叫南方人听了胆寒。Sheridan was a name to bring dread to Southern hearts.
- 高中生的完美主义、惧怕否定与人格障碍倾向的相关研究Perfectionism, Fear of Negation and the Tendency of Personality Disorders among Senior High School Students
- 在路上毙命的人数之多使我胆寒。The number of people kill on the road appal me.
- 惧怕登高/蜘蛛to be terrified of heights/spiders