- 我过会儿就给您二位上菜。I'll be back in a moment with your dishes.
- 为您二位导游我也感到非常愉快。It's great pleasure for me to be your guide.
- 我很高兴您二位在中国过得愉快。I'm glad you have enjoyed your stay in China.
- 二two
- 点菜前您二位要不要来点儿饮料,先生?Do you care for anything to drink before ordering,sir?
- 我去机场接您二位的情景,就像是在昨天一样。It seems as if it were only yesterday when I went to meet you at the airport.
- 这位this (person)
- 您二位喜欢什么座位,靠通道的还是靠窗的。Which would you like to have, aisle seats or windows eats.
- 请您届时携带夫人或其他一位客人光临。我们期待着您的到来。Come and bring your wife of other guest. We look forward to seeing you.
- 二位you
- 好美啊!。那安德森先生,天元·荷塘月舍是您二次担纲天元品牌设计,在景观设计上您是否有延续之处,又有何超越之处呢?Wonderful! Mr. Aderson, this is the second landscape design that you have done under the Tian Yuan brand, is there any continuity in the landscape design? And breakthrough?
- 您二位可以试一试西红柿蛋花汤,味道挺不错的。W: We have Tomato egg flower soup, It tastes delicious.
- 二位整数two-digit integer
- 二位的two digit
- 二位阀two-position valve
- 二位组dibit (dichotomy)
- 二位动作two-position action
- 二位电键two position key
- 二位控制two position control
- 二位数的bidigitate