- 影picture
- 息影retire into private life
- 息影蓬门To rest one's shadow in a raspBerry
- 息breath
- 园林park
- 章子怡愿为心上人息影。Zhang Ziyi willing to give up actin.
- 那位息影三年的影星, 打算本月复出。The star plans to make a comeback after three years rest.
- 苏州园林Suzhou gardens
- 眼影eye shadow
- 园林设计landscape design
- 园林绿化afforestation
- 线影hachures
- 扑热息痛Panadol
- 皇家园林imperal garden
- 影楼studio
- 起息日value date
- 结息settle interests
- 园林工程landscape engineering
- 影后movie queen
- 罚息default interest