- 总理府已成一片瓦砾。The chancellery is already in ruins
- 他们离威廉街和总理府已经不远了。They were now not far from the Wilhelmstrasse and the chancellery
- 他们一致同意拟订了一份意见书,送到总理府。They agreed upon a memorial which they left at the Chancellery.
- 他们一致同意拟订了一份意见书,送到总理府。They agreed upon a memorial which they left at the Chancellery.
- 人们相信他们是在新总理府的地下室里用手枪自杀的。It is believed that they shot themselves in the cellar of the New Chancellery.
- 总理府负责经济发展的部长级代表:安妮·科纳特Minister delegate for economic development in the office of prime minister: anne konate
- 当伯格尔到来时,俄国炮弹已经在总理府附近爆炸起来。Russian shells were already bursting near the Chancellery when Berger arrived.
- 数万名抗议者在曼谷的总理府外面彻夜安营扎寨,要求他信辞职。Tens of thousands of protesters camped out outside Thaksin's office in Bangkok overnight, demanding he resign.
- 总理府负责财政和预算的部长级代表:泰奥多尔·达加Minister Delegate in Charge of Finance and Budget in The Prime Minister's office: Theodore Dabanga
- 总理府和威廉街上的阿德隆饭店的断墙残垣还在燃烧之中。The remains of the chancellery and the Adlon Hotel up the Wilhelmstrasse were burning
- 他被押回总理府,革除了党卫队的大队长官衔,拘留起来。Brought back to the Chancellery, he was stripped of his S.S. rank of Obergruppenfuehrer and placed under arrest
- 总理府负责与阿拉伯世界关系的部长级代表:贝罗·马马杜Minister Delegate in Charge of Arab World in The Prime Minister's office: Bello Mamadou
- 最后几个月里我敬若尊长的顾问弗里德里·吕申来到了总理府。"My paternal adviser of the past few months, Fried-rich Luschen, had arrived at the Chancellery."
- 部长面色忽然开朗,在威廉广场对面的总理府的火光照映下,人人都看得很清楚。The Minister's face lit up, visible to all in the light of the flames from the chancellery across the Wilhelmsplatz
- 这个人就是希姆莱在总理府的代表赫尔曼 - 菲格莱因,一个在希特勒统治时代爬上高位的典型人物。This was Hermann Fegelein, Himmler's representative at court and typical of the type of German who rose to prominence under Hitler's rule.
- 我们的元首阿道夫 - 希特勒同布尔什维主义战斗到最后一息,今天下午在帝国总理府的作战大本营里为祖国牺牲了。Our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism, fell for Germany this afternoon in his operational headquarters in the Reich Chancellery.
- 大约在下午两点半钟,他们快要用完午饭的时候,管理总理府车房的元首司机埃里希 - 肯普卡接到命令,叫他立刻送二百公升汽油到总理府花园来。While they were finishing their lunch at about 2:30 P.M., Erich Kempka, the Fuehrer's chauffeur, who was in charge of the Chancellery garage, received an order to deliver immediately 200 liters of gasoline in jerricans to the Chancellery garden.
- 戈林把呆在伯希斯特加登的总理府国务秘书汉斯 - 拉麦斯召来,征求他在法律上的意见; 他又从保险柜里拿出元首在1941年6月29日发布的命令的一个稿本。Goering sent for Hans Lammers, the State Secretary of the Reich Chancellery, who was in Berchtesgaden, for legal advice and also fetched from his safe a copy of the Fuehrer's decree of June 29, 1941.
- 斯佩尔是在4月23日晚上坐了一架小飞机到被围的首都来的,飞机降落在离总理府只有一条街远的勃兰登堡门附近,那是在横贯动物园的东西轴心大街的东头。Speer had flown into the besieged capital on the night of April 23, landing in a cub plane on the eastern end of the East-West Axis--the broad avenue which led through the Tiergarten--at the Brandenburg Gate, a block from the Chancellery.
- 逃亡的计划是徒步由总理府对面的威廉广场下面的地下铁道车站出发,沿地下铁道走到腓特烈街车站,然后过施普雷河,在该河以北不远的地方穿过俄军防线。The plan was to go by foot along the subway tracks from the station below the Wilhelmsplatz, opposite the Chancellery, to the Friedrichstrasse Bahnhof and there cross the River Spree and sift through the Russian lines immediately to the north of it.