- 伊拉克总理候选人埃尔贾布里说,萨达姆是不是抱歉已经无关紧要。But, according to potential future candidate for prime minister of Iraq, Nadim al-Jabbri, whether Saddam Hussein ever apologizes makes very little difference.
- 总理prime minister
- 候选人candidate
- 副总理vice-premier
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 周总理Premier Zhou
- 国务院总理Premier, State Council
- 州长候选人将在该州作巡回演说。The candidates for governor will stump the state.
- 总统候选人presidential nominee
- 对这位总理来说,迫在眉捷的问题是刺激经济快速增长。The chancellor's immediate problem is to give the economy a quick shot in the arm.
- 对候选人的竞选宣传得太过分了。The candidate's campaign was attended with too much ballyhoo.
- 我们敬爱的总理的逝世使得全国罩上了一层悲伤的气氛。The death of our beloved premier cast a gloom over the whole country.
- 他被认为是一位历史清白的候选人。He was considered a candidate with a clean record.
- 前总理former premier
- 我们支持那位女候选人。We rooted for the woman candidate.
- 他把整个事件向副总理作了汇报。He reported on the whole event to the vice premier.
- 那个候选人自从最近作了一次讲演以后在公众心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 他被任命为新总理。He was appointed the new premier.
- 她已被列为候选人。Her name has been put on the ballot.
- 国务院副总理Vice Premier of the State Council