- 总之, 计画告吹了.In sum, the plan failed.
- 总之,计画告吹了.In sum, the plan failed.
- 总之,那计画告吹了。The long and short of it is that the plan was a failure.
- 总之,计画告吹了。In sum, the plan failed.
- 由于缺少志愿者,建立一个当地青年俱乐部的计划告吹了。Lack of volunteers brought down the curtain on plans to form a local youth club.
- 我们的预定计画在罢工期间完全被打乱了.Our schedule went completely off the rails during the strike.
- 假如没有你的帮助,这笔生意早就告吹了。Had you not helped us, we should have canceled this transaction.
- 你最近有什麽计画?What are your plans for the immediate future?
- 埃莉诺一言不发。她的把握告吹了,但她的自制并没有一起告吹。She was silent. Elinor's security sank; but her self-command did not sink with it.
- 这项计画什麽时候实施?When does the plan come into operation?
- 当地议会拒不批准我们建旅馆,我们办新旅馆的计划就告吹了。Our plan to open a new hotel blew up in our faces when the local council refused to give us permission to build it.
- 我计画一月份在纽约.I figure on being in New York in January.
- 总之,那计划告吹了。The long and short of it is that the plan was a failure.
- 他认为这计画不当.He felt the plan to be unwise/felt that the plan was unwise.
- 埃莉诺一言不发。她的把握告吹了,但她的自制并没有一起告吹。She was silent. Elinor's security sank; but her self-command did not sink with it.
- 该计画不容许变更。The plan is incapable of alteration.
- 对,很遗憾。我打算提高输出,但告吹了。我们应该用更多的守卫。Rothschild: Yes, I'm terribly sorry. We planned to increase output, but it all backfired. And we could have used more security.
- 她批准了这项计画,但附加了几项意见.She gave her approval to the scheme but not without several qualifications.
- 城里剧院上演的那台粗制滥造的戏第一夜演了后就关门告吹了。The turkey at the town theater closed on its first night.
- 公司下年度计画概述.an overview of the company's plans for the next year