- 怛shocked
- 惨怛grieved; heartbroken; sad
- 忉怛悯恤Grieved and pitiful
- 永怛地invariably
- 怛管肿瘤bile duct neoplasms
- 怛罗斯战役Battle of Talas
- 怛逻斯战役the Battle at Talas River
- 奢extravagant
- 至于怛罗斯战役促进了唐和阿拉伯之间的经济文化交流还是阻碍了两大帝国间的交流 ,尚需具体分析 ,不能一概而论。As for the promoting role or hindering role in economic and cultural exchanges given by Talas Campaign, it needs analysis in detail, and not to be lumped together.
- 奢求excessive demand; extravagant claim
- 耶诞节越来越近了。Christmas is drawing near.
- 阿赖耶识the receptacle, intellect, or consciousness
- 里耶卡Rijeka
- 奢香墓Tomb of She Xiang
- 耶利米Jeremiah
- 四是有点奢。Fourth, there is a certain degree of extravagance.
- 撒摩耶人samoyede
- 奢办be extravagant; lavish
- 激光雷达回波
- 他很倒楣,在耶诞节还要工作。It is rough on him to work at Christmas.