- 怎how
- 堪endure
- 堪萨斯Kansas
- 怎能how
- 我不知道该怎亲打开这个网页。I've no idea how to open this web page.
- 情何以堪unbearable
- 堪忧cause anxiety
- 怎麽样how about
- 你怎敢问我这样的问题?How dare you ask me such a question?
- 堪舆geomantic omen
- 你怎能为你粗鲁而愚蠢的行为辩护?How can you justify your rude and foolish behaviour?
- 不知怎的,她好像喝下了四杯波诺得,价值达几百法朗。She seemed somehow to have consumed four glasses of pernod to the tune of several hundred frances.
- 我们当时呆在堪萨斯的东南部。We were staying in southeastern Kansas.
- 堪萨斯人,堪萨斯居民A native or resident of Kansas.
- 他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎地却落后了。He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.
- 阿斯堪Ascham
- 安全的问题怎麽办?What about the question of security?
- 断炊堪虞Involving grave anxiety for the cessation of cooking
- 她怎能如此无情?How can she be so heartless?
- 洵堪保举Suitable for recommendation