- 说persuade (politically)
- 怎么(interrogative pronoun)
- 不管怎么说in any case
- 这在英语中怎么说?How do you say this in English?
- 怎么说呢what can I say
- 我该怎么说呢?How shall I put it?
- 怎么说?In what way?
- 不管怎么说,你我都无法预测此事。Anyway, you and I cannot crystal-ball it from here.
- 怎么说就怎么做suit the action to the word
- 他们怎么说关系不大。It makes little what they say.
- 用不着你教我怎么说。你老是打断我的话,好像你知道我要说些什么似的。Don't put words in my mouth. You keep interrupting me and assuming the you know what I'm going to say.
- 天气预报怎么说?What does the weather forecast say?
- 叫我们怎么说得清到底是什么呢?How are we to tell the difference? Your ships are now passing east of Iceland and will soon be in a position from which they can threaten our trade routes to Europe.
- 我穿这样子,人家不晓得怎么说。I wonder what people will say if I wear this.
- 别人怎么说,别往心里去。Never mind what people say.
- 不管怎么说,他总还是一个相当好的同志。He is a pretty good comrade, when all is said and done.
- 不管怎么说这儿没有真正古老的东西。Anyhow there's nothing really old here.
- 你怎么说?What do you say?
- 怎么想的就怎么说。Say as you suppose.
- 医生怎么说?What did the doctor say?