- 晋升、薪金和快乐的工作心情哪个更重要?Which one is more important - promotion and good pay, or being happy at work?
- 系列series
- 快乐merry
- 但我怀疑我自己,我不想接受一份自己感到不快乐的工作。But I have my doubts, and I don't want to accept a position that I don't think I will be happy in.
- 甄别越南船民的工作,实际上已于一九九四年十月完成。Screening of Vietnamese migrants was effectively completed in October 1994.
- 一系列a series of
- 生日快乐Happy birthday
- 我么彼此都找到了里的工作,幸幸福福走过每一个快乐的日子。What I have found each other's work, fortunately traversed every happiness Fuk a happy day.
- 你的工作质量有所下降。There has been a slip in the quality of your work.
- 玛塞拉和汉克做着十分有意义的工作,继续他们忙碌的退休生活。Marcella and hank continue a retirement busy with roving good works
- 他们从事提供备用小零件的工作。They are engaged in the supply of small parts for replacement.
- 我有了孩子,也找到了大量工作的机会使自己快乐的同时也能帮助其他人。I had my baby and also I found a great opportunity to work and keep myself busy having fun and helping other people.
- 你的工作是促销这一新产品。Your job is to promote the new product.
- 他找到一份剪羊毛的工作。He found a job of shearing wool from sheep.
- 你的工作是引导该船入港。Your job is to pilot the ship into the harbor.
- 善于安排玩乐和工作,两者保持热诚,就是最快乐的人Person who can be expert in how to balance between work and play and two sides all keep zealous is the best happy one in the world
- 她得到一份银行职员的工作。She got a job as a bank clerk.
- 我申请邮差的工作。I applied for the job as a mail carrier.
- 那里的工作人员立即拿出碎布,在锅炉后面给小鹿铺了张床。Maintenance men there quickly produced rags to make a bed behind the boiler for the fawn.
- SDKQ系列电控器的工作原理与性能Operating principle and performance of SDKQ electric controller