- 这男孩是他们老年时的依靠和骄傲。The boy is the staff and pride of their age.
- 他现在再一次提出说,克莱德早年贫困,这造成了,至少是助长了他心灵上和道德上的懦怯。Mental and moral cowardice, as he now reiterated, inflamed or at least operated on by various lacks in Clyde's early life
- 他与人能引发心灵上的共鸣使他成为一名优秀的婚姻问题咨询指导。His ability to empathize with people made him an excellent marriage counsellor.
- 她经常回父亲的家里,因为她知道母亲总是会给她以同情和慰藉的。She often returns to her parents' home, knowing that her mother will always provide a shoulder to cry on.
- 心灵上的疾病比身体上的疾病更危险。古罗马演说家、政治家西塞罗Diseases of the soul are more dangerous than those of the body.--T Cicero. Ancient Roman orator and statesman
- 我们的研究主要依靠和个人谈话,问他们问题而不是用写问卷。For our research we depended mainly on talking to individuals, asking them questions rather than using written questionnaires.
- 我们不禁默默感谢师父,让我们有机会为这遥远国度的兄弟姊妹带来快乐和慰藉。We then silently thanked Master for bringing a ray of happiness and comfort to our brothers and sisters in this faraway country.
- 有知识和心灵上的洞察力。having knowledge and spiritual insight;.
- 在我看来,这种学说中没有丝毫的安乐和慰藉。In such a doctrine there is, to my mind, no vestige of comfort or consolation.
- 给某人造成心灵上的创伤to scar somebody in his heart
- 因为我们自己的心田,也需要不断地滋润和慰藉。Because our own heart, also need to be moisten constantly with comfort.
- 我渴望着我心灵上的归宿。I had a longing for a homeland for my soul.
- 周日,弗吉尼亚理工大学附近的教堂都挤满了人,学生和平民走上讲坛,前来寻求心灵的指引和慰藉。Churches around Virginia Tech were packed Sunday as students and residents turn to the pulpit for guidance and reassurance.
- 涤荡心灵上的罪恶cleanse sin from the soul
- 冲刷掉心灵上的罪恶wash one's soul from sins
- 这种研究和描写如果是站在无产阶级立场上的,那是应该的。Such study and description are proper if done from a proletarian position.
- 在感觉并不敏锐或者最幼稚的心灵上,也有一连串的回忆。In the most insensible or childish minds, there is some train of reflection.
- 在可扣除税收货物和服务上的消费(与基础建设费用相对)。amounts paid for goods and services that may be currently tax deductible (as opposed to capital expenditures).
- 他无法懂得我们岛国人民心灵上或精神上的力量。He could not comprehend the mental or spiritual force of our island people.
- 内置门廊;内院儿;附上的支票包括运输和管理的费用。an enclosed porch; an enclosed yard; the enclosed check is to cover shipping and handling.