- 心存希望在生活的道路上走,你永远不会孤单。Walk on wiz hopes in ur heart and you'll never walk alone.
- 他现在虽然是一介草民,却心系魏阙。Though a common person now, he still pays great attention to the court.
- 阿魏asafetida
- 北魏the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534)
- 宫阙imperial palace
- 阿魏酸ferulic acid
- 围师遗阙,穷寇勿迫,此用兵之法也。When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. Such is the art of warfare.
- 围魏救赵relieve the besieged by attacking the base of the besieger
- 麝香贴敷神阙穴治疗重度痛经的临床疗效观察Clinical Observation on Treating Severe Dysmenorrhea by Mounting Shenque Acupoint with Moschus
- 啊,宫阙长满了野草,战场上奔突着饥饿的豺狼。In the Imperial palace, weeds have grown all over, hungry jackals and wolves run wild in the battlefields.
- 曹魏Caowei Kingdom
- 樊敏阙及石刻Fan Min Tower and Stone Sculptures
- 魏太太匆匆把孩子们打发去幼儿园之后便动身去了上海。Mrs Wei packed the children off to the kindergarten before she left for Shanghai.
- 昏倒,昏厥,厥晕,厥,蹶,阙证,尸蹶,晕厥syncope
- 阿魏醇ferulenol
- 余阙Yu Que
- 阿魏胶asafetida
- 补阙Obsolete variant of 补缺.
- 阿魏醛ferulaldehyde
- 晕阙apopsychia