- 徽章badge
- 别针pin
- 徽章附有别针,可以别在外套上。The badge clips on to the coat.
- 安全别针safety pin
- 它是一枚徽章。It is a badge.
- 臂章戴在上臂的绑带或徽章A band or badge worn around the upper arm.
- 她在新衣服上戴了一枚钻石别针。She wore a diamond clip on her new dress.
- 拔去别针unpin
- 徽章别在外衣上。The badge clips on to the coat.
- 她过去在赴宴时总是在衣领上别一枚别针。She used to pin a brooch on her lapel when she went to a party.
- 他把这佩在胸前当作徽章。He bears it as a badge on the breast.
- 取下衣服上的别针to unpin a dress
- 在大衣上别上几枚徽章to stick some badges on the overcoat
- 善行徽章a good conduct badge
- 钻石别针a diamond clip
- 尿布别针diaper pin
- 专长徽章proficiency badge
- 金马刺(爵士徽章)gilded spurs
- 珐琅别针enamelled brooch
- 纺纱工从小锡别针上掐掉一英寸。From the tiny tin pin, the spinner pinched off an inch.