- 猪脚pig's knuckle
- 猪脚, 猪爪pork trotter
- 冻猪脚frozen pork trotter
- 猪脚冻pig's feet in jelly
- 英国受权代管德国在东非的前殖民地.Britain was mandated to govern the former colony of German East Africa.
- 猪脚姜sour pig's knuckles
- 他把儿子送到德国念书。He sent his son away to school in Germany.
- 炖猪脚stewed pig's feet
- 我想知道德国马克的兑换率。I'd like to know the exchange rate for German marks.
- 猪脚脂pig's foot grease
- 他是个德国血统的男子。He is a man of German birth.
- 卤猪脚simmered pig feet %243.50
- 巴塞罗那博览会德国馆German Pavilion of Barcelona International Fair
- 黄豆炖猪脚/Stew Pigs Foot with Soybean/
- 德国侦探经常监视着盟军的战俘。German ferrets constantly spied on the Allied prisoners of war.
- 章鱼炖猪脚/Stew pigs Hocks with Octopus/
- 德国社会学sociology in German
- 这只小猪脚什么都没有,This little piggy had none
- 盟国的运输船受到德国潜艇攻击,损失惨重。Allied transports suffered greatly from German submarine attacks.
- 猪蹄用作食品的猪脚The feet of a pig used as food.