- 在丛林中行进很慢。Advance in the jungle was very slow.
- 慢slow
- 这玫瑰长得很慢。This rose is a slow grower.
- 他干活很慢,因为他总是顾虑重重。He's very slow at this work because he's always straining at a gnat.
- 他走得很慢,但却很稳当。He walked slowly but surely.
- 伤口愈合得很慢。The wound healed slowly.
- 当你感到没趣时,时间过的很慢。Time wears on more slowly when you are not interested.
- 乌龟爬得很慢。The tortoise goes very slowly.
- 他说得很慢,每个人都听懂了。He speaks very slowly, and everyone has understood.
- 海伦走得很慢,催她快一点,不然我们就赶不上火车了。Helen is slow of foot. Hit her up, or we shall be late for the train.
- 加油车驾驶员故意把车开得很慢,因此就发生汽油供应不足的情况。The tanker drivers are going slow and as a result petrol is in short supply.
- 这条船抢风调向很慢。The boat is slack in stays.
- 工人们动手很慢。The workmen were slow in making a start.
- 这家商店的服务总是很慢,那些女孩子都很懒。The service in this shop is always slow; the girls are very lazy.
- 放假前的时候过得很慢。Time moved at a snail's pace before the holidays.
- 血滴得很慢很慢,仿佛是太阳落山后的冰柱滴下的水珠。The drops fell very slowly, as they fall from an icicle after the sun has gone.
- 水排得很慢。The water drained away slowly.
- 申请这份工作的信件三三两两来得很慢。Applications for the job are coming in slowly in twos and threes.
- 他由于那条病腿走得很慢。He walked slowly because of his bad leg.
- 根据铸造效果,可以凭经验改变脱模剂的配方,但这样很慢。Experience will dictate how to vary the mold spray formula in accordance with casting results but do so very slowly.