- 在今天的英语中,用“东方人”一词来指某人时,往好了说,听起来没有时代感,往坏了说,则有贬义。In today's English, the word "Oriental", when used to refer to a person, sounds old-fashioned at best and derogatory at worst
- 说persuade (politically)
- 是你把他尽往坏里调弄。You bring out the worst in him.
- 中国其他的地区大国,印度和日本,往好说,怀疑中国,往坏说,是耿耿于怀,伺机报复。India and Japan, China's other big regional counterparts, both view it with suspicion at best and, at worst, paranoia.
- 他为迟到作辩解,说他的汽车坏了。He excused himself for being late by saying that his car had broken down.
- 这一定有什么误会珍,你从来不会把人往坏的方面想。There must've been a misunderstanding. Jane, you never think ill of anybody.
- 往past
- 坏spoiled
- 你是否能把你的闪光设备也拿来?我的坏了。Could you also get your flash-attachment? Mine is broken.
- 任何事情只要能往坏的方向发展,就一定往那个方向发展。Any affair as long as can go toward a bad direction development, certain go toward that direction development.
- 小孩们打架时把桌子碰坏了一小块。The little boys chipped a piece out of the table when they were fighting.
- 数据统计可以容易地算出"谎言系数",用来调整人们给自己往轻了说几磅的倾向:Statisticians can easily generate "lie coefficients" to adjust for the human tendency to fib away a few pounds.
- 这么多机器坏了,我们怎么能及时完成工作呢?With so many machines out of commission how can we finish the work in time?
- 她妹妹弄坏了她的新衣,她怒气冲冲的。She got all hot and bothered because her sister spoiled her new dress.
- 数据统计可以容易地算出"谎言系数",用来调整人们给自己往轻了说几磅的倾向statisticians can easily generate "lie coefficients" to adjust for the human tendency to fib away a few pounds
- 他们说是发动机坏了。They said it was the matter with the motor.
- 我的收音机坏了,你能为我修理一下吗?There is something wrong with my radio. Could you see to it for me?
- 她说她的坏了。She said hers was broken.
- 比尔的钓竿已经裂了,马克的绕线轮也坏了。Bill's rod is splintered and Mark's reel out of fix.
- “我饿坏了,”他说。"I'm ravenous," he said.