- 彼此之间就会少些误会.there would be less misunderstanding among people.
- 这段时间的交流打断子夫妇双方习以为常的对话,这样彼此之间就会发现一些新鲜东西,终于能为他们带回刚认识时求婚日子里的激动心情。These hours of communication interrupt the usual, practical dialogue between married partners, allowing them to discover each other anew. Eventually it can bring back the excitement of the courtship days when they were first getting acquainted.
- 如果世界上少一些同情,世界上也就会少一些麻烦。(王尔德)If there were less sympathy in the world,there would be less trouble in the world.( O. Wilde)
- 同样的情况,就一个国家整个工业与农业相互间的关系来说,它们彼此之间所处的地位愈接近,双方物资交流时所受到的障碍愈少,则共同发展的机会愈大。In like manner the entire manufacturing industry of a State in connection with its agricultural interest,and the latter in connection with the former,will prosper the more the nearer they are placed to one another,and the less they are interrupted in their mutual exchanges with one another.
- 工作认真负责,就会少出差错。If we work conscientiously, we will not make many mistakes.
- 氢原子彼此之间不再是重叠的,而是交叉的了。The hydrogens no longer eclipse each other and are said to be staggered.
- 你要是把这些旧椅子擦亮,就会更好卖些。If you furbish up these old chairs,you'll have a better chance of selling them.
- 这名伟大的音乐家在一夜之间就创作出了一首精美绝伦的音乐作品。The great musician composeda wonderful musical piece during a night.
- "只要哄一哄她,她就会安静的。"Just humour her and she'll be quiet.
- 门如果装得不正就会关不紧。If the door's not exactly true it won't close properly.
- `就会好起来的,'她轻柔地安慰说。`It will be all right, ' she cooed soothingly.
- 如果我用手压牙龈就会痛。The gums ache if I press them with my finger.
- 工作越努力,你就会越进步。The harder you work, the greater progress you'll make.
- 如果触及了,就会被判犯规无效。If they do,the throw will be declared a foul.
- 如果你再迟到,就会被老板解雇。If you are late again,the boss will give you sacked.
- 如果你不小心,汽车就会撞了你。If you are not careful, a car may hit you.
- 你越努力工作,进步就会越快。The harder you work, the more progress you'll make.
- 你如果不付房租,就会被赶出去。If you don't pay your rent you'll be evicted.
- 如果你把钱存在银行就会生利息。If you keep money in the savings bank,interest accrues.
- 在纽约则恰恰相反。如果你给的小费少干消费额的15%,那么下次你预定的桌子可能就会被人占去。In New York,on the other hand,if you leave less than 15%25,your reservation might not hold up next time.