- 蓝变星blue variable
- 高光度蓝变星luminous blue variable
- 蓝blue
- 强光glare
- 蓝牙Bluetooth
- 金牛座RV型变星RV Tauri variable stars
- 浅蓝Cambridge blue
- 变星的脉动理论pulsation theory of variable stars
- 天蓝shamrock
- 中位星等 - 变星median magnitude
- 蓝莓blueberry
- 金牛座T型变星T Tauri variable stars
- 现在你需要把强光部分画出来。You need to put the highlight in now.
- 船帆座ai型变星AI Velorum type variable star
- 刺眼的闪光发光物体反射到电视摄像机上的强光导致的闪光Glare that is caused by a shiny object reflecting too much light into a television camera.
- 天琴座rr型变星RR Lyrae variable stars
- 蓝眼睛blue eye
- 猎户座fu型变星FU Orionis variable
- 强光灯floodlight
- 蓝钻blue diamond