- 公路交通事故/安全;道路使用者road accidents/safety/users
- 驾驶时,你必须顾及乘客及其他道路使用者的安全。You must drive with consideration for your passengers, as well as other road users.
- 使用者user
- 弱势群体disadvantaged groups
- 弱势weak tendency
- 闪亮车头灯,也可用作警告其他道路使用者你正驶近。Headlamp flashing is also a warning of your presence to other road users.
- 道路使用者road user
- 他们在设计道路系统。They are devising a road system.
- 弱势式weakened mood
- 1992至2001年按年及道路使用者类别划分交通意外伤亡人数Age of Road Traffic Casualties by Class of Road User 1992-2001
- 下雨之后道路很滑。The road was slippery after the rain.
- 联合国如何保护社会中的弱势群体?How does the UN defend vulnerable groups in society?
- 他们踩着泥泞的道路行进。They slopped along the muddy road.
- 可能导致你与其他道路使用者争路的时候,例如在路面收窄的路口,或在驶近行人过路处的时候。Where you might come into conflict with other road users, for example, at a junction, where the road narrows or on the approach to any type of pedestrian crossing.
- 车祸使道路堵塞了好几个小时。The crash obstructed the road for several hours.
- 车辆使用者vehicle users
- 那个国家走了一条中间道路。The country steered a middle course.
- 道路因油而滑溜溜的。The roads were slick with oil.
- 共同现实的关键是当参加者透过多位使用者区域谈话时,他们意识到对方真实的存在。The key to mutual reality is that the participant is aware of each other when they are converse through mud.
- 雨后道路很滑。Rain slicked the roads.