- 交叉引用cross-reference
- 这篇新闻缺少所引用的来源,而且可能含有未经证实的消息。This article does not adequately cite its sources and may contain unverified information.
- 循环引用circular reference
- 信息的最初来源a prime source of information
- 他常引用康德的话。He often quotes the sayings of Kant.
- 是麻醉品和纤维的来源。source of e.g. bhang and hashish as well as fiber.
- 所有引用all references
- 该词的来源the provenance of the word
- 他引用了莎士比亚的几行诗。He quoted a few verses from Shakespeare.
- 远洋软泥的来源是什么?What is the origin of pelagic oozes?
- 泄露情报来源divulge the source of one's information
- 节略的引用句a truncated quotation
- 蛋白质的来源有哪些?What sre the sources of protein.
- 教授在演讲中引用了几句莎士比亚的语录。The professor used some Shakespearean tags in his speech.
- 来源英国的故事a story of English growth
- 引用文citation
- 我无法引用确切的原文,但是我可以告诉你作者所述的要点。I can't quote chapter and verse but I can give you the main points the author was making.
- 一种由四氧化锰组成的矿物,是锰的来源。a mineral consisting of manganese tetroxide; a source of manganese.
- 他们从各种来源搜集了大量第一手资料。They gathered up from various sources a great amount of firsthand data.
- 原文引用a contextual quotation