- 引用值链已经循环回到引用服务器。The chain of referrals has looped back to a referring server.
- 指定是否可以使用引用值替换模具缓冲区项。Specifies whether to replace the stencil buffer entry with a reference value.
- 值value
- 对象引用值可以在序列化过程中更改,但哈希表会自动进行更新,以确保信息正确。Object reference values can change during serialization, but the table is updated automatically so the information is correct.
- 超值overflow
- 分别为:空白(空白单元格)、错误值、逻辑值、文本、数字、引用值或对于以上任意参数的名称引用。Value can be a blank (empty cell), error, logical, text, number, or reference value, or a name referring to any of these, that you want to test.
- 默认值Windows default
- 交叉引用cross-reference
- 最大值max.
- 不值not worth
- 循环引用circular reference
- 充值卡top-up card
- 插值interpolation
- 减值devalue
- 估值guess value
- 阀值threshold values
- PH值pH value
- 残值recovery value
- 低值易耗品low priced and easily worn articles
- 幅值amplitude