- 欧洲DAB技术的发展现状和若干技术政策DAB Current Situation and its Technical Policies in Europe
- 这位初露头角的年轻歌唱家简直是整个演出中最引人注目的角色。The new young singer has simply walked away with the show.
- 引人注目的noticeable
- 美国和欧洲的DAB发展概况Outline of DAB in USA and Europe
- 尤里卡/147的DAB的技术开发巳基本结束,目前正在进行扩大实验,以期确定网路规划上的问题。The development work of the Eureka 147 DAB technology has ended basically. Now the expansive experiments are practising for network planning.
- 作为一个领袖,有引人注目的外貌要比能力更重要,这一直是在争论的问题。It has been argued that it is more important for a leader to have presence than ability.
- FIDIC合同条件下解决争端的DAB方法DAB method for resolving the dispute on FIDIC contract conditions
- 在这枯躁无法味的学校音乐会上的珍妮的演出是非常引人注目的。In an uninteresting school concert, Jane's performance stood out a mile.
- 确定产生完整的DAB复用信号的广播电台或复用器营运商在DAB复用器和发射网络传送复用数据的接口。Specifies an interface which allows broadcasters or multiplex operators, who are generating a complete DAB ensemble, to transport the ensemble data between the DAB ensemble multiplexer and the transmitter network.
- 引人注目的人(或物),或令人印象深刻的人A strikingly attractive or impressive person or thing.
- 他是个沉默寡言,不引人注目的学生,但他的考试成绩总是很优异。He's a quiet unobtrusive student, but always does well in the examination.
- 在大麦mlo突变体品系和瘟病菌的互作反应中,接种后12h,病菌侵染点能检测到不同程度的DAB染色,但染色程度小于Ingrid所出现的;The frequency of effective papilla was up to 35%25 in Ingrid. In mlo genotypes, the papilla formation are successfully penetrated by the fungus, and the effective papilla in mlo-3, mlo-4 and mlo-5 were just 15%25, 12%25, and 15%25, respectively.
- 体内和体外各实验组胎鼠消化管上皮内的DAB值均较对照组高,P?0.05,无论是MMC组还是HC组,DAB值均与剂量呈正相关,P?0.01。The number of DAB in the epithelium of fetal digestive tract were higher than that of control groups (P?0.05), and there was a positive correlation between the dose and the number of DAB (P?0.01) in all experimental groups of MMC and HC, including in vivo and in vitro.
- 她是引人注目的人物。She is a conspicuous figure.
- 引人注目的虚拟演播室技术The Noticeable Virtual Studio Technology
- 引人注目的壮举或伟绩A notable adventure or exploit.
- 引人注目的决赛征服了观众The outstanding finale killed the audience.
- 他的住处看上去的确像是个舒适安定的家—丝毫没有引人注目的昂贵的时髦货。His place really looks lived in—noting expensive or modish just to impress people.
- 保持某人处于最引人注目的地位to keep one in the foreground
- 这个班已有引人注目的进步。The class has made noticeable improvement.