- 弄垮的battered
- 长年生病把他的身体弄垮了。The lingering illness crumpled him.
- 这次流行性感冒把他的身体弄垮了。This attack of influenza has crocked him up.
- 工作压力把他的身体弄垮了。His health broke down under the pressure of work.
- 工作的压力把她的身体弄垮了。Her health broke down under the pressure of work.
- 大多数人都集中于弄垮爱沙尼亚的网站。Most have concentrated on shutting them down.
- 多年过分劳累把他身体弄垮了,他不得不退休。After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to retire.
- 别弄了,克里斯,没关系的免得到时你弄垮了这里Just leave it, Chris, that's fine,before you wreck the place.
- 他们要尽一切努力挫败对手的计划,哪怕是因为压价弄垮了自己的生意也在所不惜。They'll do anything to spike the guns of the opposition, even at the risk of underpricing themselves out of business.
- 他在会弄垮人的NBA打每一场比赛都像总决赛最后一场的同时,却因赛前练习而声名狼籍。While he plays every game of the grueling NBA season as if it were Game 7 of the finals, he also is notorious for his lackluster effort in practice.
- 苏维埃后期的“左”倾机会主义统治时间更长,给予我党的损害也更大,苏区红军和白区党的基础,都在这种三风不正占统治地位的领导之下,大部弄垮了。The "Left" opportunism that emerged during the late Soviet period dominated the Party even longer and caused much more damage, with the bulk of the Red Army in the Soviet areas and the Party organizations in the White areas destroyed at the hands of leaders who dominated the Party with these three erroneous styles.