- 弃卒保帅sacrifice one's pawn to save the queen
- 这是丢卒保车。This was sacrificing a pawn to save a rook.
- 丢卒保车。Better lose the saddle than the horse.
- 二战后英国以和平方式给予缅甸独立,这决不是英国对其战前殖民统治反省后的明智之举,而是英国政府无法应对缅甸民族主义要求独立的强大攻势,被迫做出的丢卒保车的战略选择。Britain granted Burma independence in peace pattern after war. It is not British positive action but British government failed to meet Burmese nationalism and forced to adopt the strategic option that deserted unimportant spots in order to remain some important ones.
- 丢卒保车sacrifice the pawn to save the rook
- 利用SMS服务构建机保车运营管理通讯网SMS applicable to construction of mechanical refrigerator car operation management communication networks
- 在车aboard
- 丢卒保帅sacrifice one's pawn to save the queen
- 买车buying car
- 一些选民在选举中弃了权。Some voters abstained in the election.
- 医保medical insurance
- 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船。The crew abandoned the burning ship.
- 被弃rejection
- 保额sum insured
- 搬运车porter
- 保兑confirmation
- 保洁车dumper
- 保质保量quality and quantity guaranteed
- 摆渡车ferry push car
- 保压pressurize