- 别开黄腔,别说下流话。Don't be obscene.
- 皮黄腔Pihuang tune
- 从音乐的遗传基因为皮黄腔寻宗探源Sourcing the Correct Origin of Pihuangqiang from the Genetic Gene of Music
- 北美一种直立的落叶灌木,开黄白色略带红色的花。erect deciduous North American shrub with red-tinged yellow-white flowers.
- 论皮黄腔在戏曲声腔发展史中的贡献The Contribution Of Pi-Huang Tune To Developing The Traditional Chinese Opera
- 开黄和粉红色花的一年生藤蔓植物,开裂的叶片和总状花序。annual vine with decompound leaves and racemes of yellow and pink flowers.
- 腔tune
- 隔开to separate
- 北美一种直立的落叶灌木,开黄白色略带红色的花erect deciduous North American shrub with red-tinged yellow-white flowers
- 不开心bile
- 开唱begin singing
- 内腔lumen
- 黄钻Elopichthys bambusa
- 南开Nankai
- 腔体housing
- 飞黄腾达make a rapid advance in one's career
- 南开大学Nankai University
- 大黄rhubarb
- 常开normal open
- 腔内intracavity