- 豆bean
- 豆的leguminous
- 开花的inflorescent
- 可可豆cacao
- 荷兰豆sweet broad pea
- 开花期anthesis
- 豆粕dregs of beans
- 豆干dried tofu
- 正在开花的植物A plant that blooms.
- 豆皮skin of tofu
- 紫藤今年开花吗?Did the wisteria blossom this year?
- 开花繁茂的植物an abundant flowerer
- 鹰嘴豆chickpea
- 樱桃树今年开花早.The cherry trees blossomed early this year.
- 相思豆jequirity bean
- 开花野草flowering weeds
- 青春豆acne
- 这棵树很快开花了。The tree blossomed quickly.
- 豆粉pulse flour
- 他们的牡丹开花了。Their peonies were coming into flower.