- 开端start
- [谚]良好的开端是成功的一半。A good lather is half a shave.
- 许多人为救灾基金慷慨解囊。Many people subscribed liberally to the relief fund.
- 他向救济基金捐赠巨资。He subscribed a large sum to the relief fund.
- 好的开端是成功的一半Well begun is half done.
- 他对一项基金的捐款his subscription to a fund
- 我们的开端充满希望。We had a hopeful beginning.
- 经管一项信托基金administer a trust fund
- 【谚】良好的开端,是成功的一半。Well begun is half done.
- 他在研究员基金资助下出了国。He went abroad on a fellowship.
- 他的演说是宴会的开端。His speech was the party starter.
- 多渠道筹集和积累社会保障基金。We should try various channels to raise and accumulate social security funds.
- 不吉祥的开端a sinister beginning
- 那会计盗用了协会的基金.The treasurer misappropriated the society's funds.
- 那是个良好的开端。That is a fortunate start.
- 烃基金属metallic alkide
- 看来他的生活有了新开端。It seems that his life is off to a new start.
- 他们决定为此专立一项基金。They decided to set up a fund for this purpose.
- 我对这些玫瑰很有好感,它们使我觉得我们今天有一个良好的开端。I'm glad about the roses. They made me think we were getting the day on the right foot.
- 这项工程由政府提供基金。The work is funded by the government.