- 休闲3年,复种抛栽稻,稻田优势种为双穗雀稗、水芹、节节菜、眼子菜、水虱草等。Benn, Onanthe javanica (Bl.)DC an d Alternanthera philoxerides in paddy field after continuous u ncultivated land for three years.
- 四倍体双穗雀稗兼性无孢子生殖的研究。Facultative Apospory in Tetraploid Paspalum distichum L.
- 对穗雀稗hillo grass
- 开穗状花朵的矮树clianthus
- 双穗雀稗Dallas grass
- 不开心bile
- 双穗雀稗种群对铅、锌和铜的积累和耐性研究Pb, Zn and Cu Tolerance and Accumulation in Populations of Paspalum distichum
- 南开大学Nankai University
- 常开normal open
- 半开ajar
- 再开reopen
- 稗millet
- 重开to reopen
- 爆开pop
- 劈开cleave
- 玉米开始长出穗状雄花。The corn has begun to tassel.
- 睁开stretch
- 总开关master switch
- 巴哈雀稗Bahia grass
- 开公司launch company; set up company